第一年的经验 春天的取向



For questions about 春天的取向, email orientation@beijinggate.com or call the Campus Life Office at 805-565-6125.

春天的取向 Schedule 2024



上午11时至下午1时 入学 to 学生宿舍, Location: Your Respective Hall

1:15 PM Campus Tour for students and families, Location: Meet outside Kerrwood Hall

2:00 PM Spring Course Registration Meeting, Location: Founders in Kerr Student Center. 这是为那些还没有注册或希望回顾他们的时间表的学生准备的. **请 bring your laptop to this session.

3:00 PM 欢迎会话, Location: Hieronymus in Kerrwood Hall

3:50 PM 家庭 and guests say goodbye, 地点:Kerrwood Lawn

4:00 PM 学生成功研讨会, 地点:Voskuyl图书馆(课程结束后在图书馆拍照)

5:30 PM Student Dinner with Orientation small groups, 地点:从Dining Commons拿外卖,和你的小团体坐在Founders

8:00 PM 新学生社会, Location: GLC Simmons Center



不同时期 Attend a local church service, Location: Respective place of worship

12:00 PM The Westmont Experience + Lunch, Location: Dining Commons (grab a to-go meal and bring lunch to Founders)

1:00 PM 迎新小组 地点:创始人会议室

2:15 PM Classroom and Resource Campus Tour, 地点:校园周边

2:00 - 5:00 PM Pick up your Textbooks from the 邮件 Center (克伍德大厦楼上)



5:00 - 6:00 PM Meet the President appetizer reception, Location: Meet in the parking lot above the DC and walk up together


春天的取向 Information

确认后: Login to your Westmont e-mail 账户 and check messages regularly

12月后. 1: 注册课程

在12月. 14支付你的第一笔账单

1月后. 1: 检查 房间分配 和探索 residence hall room descriptions

通过简. 3: Complete the Orientation - Spring 2024 Canvas Course. Be on the lookout for an invite to the course!

1月. 1月3日. 5: Meet with your faculty advisor on Zoom. 你的导师会联系你安排一个会议来讨论你的课程和你可能有的任何其他问题.

方向: 2024年1月6日至7日

入学: 1月uary 6th - move-in window is from 11:00am - 1:00pm. 

开学第一天: 1月8日

Reception with the President:  1月17日



春天的取向 begins 1月6日星期六. 学生可以在1月6日星期六上午11点开始入住宿舍. There will be 春天的取向 events through 1月7日星期日. Classes begin on Monday, 1月8日.

Are there events scheduled for my family?

是的! 欢迎他们参加1月6日(周六)下午3点在Kerrwood Lawn举行的欢迎会. 父母 can find more information on the 父母 & 家庭网页.

Why do I need an academic advisor?

Academic advisors can be helpful to you in many ways. 当他们倾听和了解你以及你的优缺点时,他们可以帮助你探索你的专业和职业选择. 在了解大学学术政策方面,它们是很好的资源, general graduation requirements, 安排课程. 当你到达迎新时,你将被分配一名学术顾问,你将被安排在课程的第一周与你的导师见面.

Who are the academic advisors?



春季转学生在确认入学后以滚动方式注册课程, 12月10日开始. 注册办公室会联系你,告诉你如何注册课程. If you have any questions, check out the 注册的页面.

Can I move onto campus before 1月uary 6th?

不幸的是,我们不能接受在1月8日之前搬进宿舍的请求. Click here for a local hotel guide.


Between 11:00am - 1:00pm on 1月6日星期六.

Where do I go first when I arrive for 春天的取向?

住在克拉克的学生, 爱默生和佩奇使用校园上拉巴斯路入口,并按照标志到宿舍,你将住在那里.

Students living in Armington, VK和GLC使用拉巴斯路上的校园入口,并按照标志到达您将居住的宿舍.

When do I find out who my roommate(s) is(are)?

一旦您的威斯蒙特电子邮件被激活,您应该能够访问您的学生门户网站. 登录并查看右上角的圆形Westmont图像/印章. Click this and select "myProfile" from the dropdown list. 下一个, 点击“住宿”选项卡查看你的房间/宿舍分配和室友的联系方式,以便你可以联系他们, 春季计划, and get to know each other! 有时, 在最初的住房分配完成并发布在学生门户网站之后,新生被分配到不同的房间. 当这种情况发生时, 住房办公室将尝试通过电子邮件或电话沟通住房变化. You may also call the 住房 Office 了解更多信息 at (805) 565-6037.

What size mattresses are in the residence hall rooms?

All on-campus mattresses are extra-long twins (80" x 36")

May I keep a microwave or a micro-fridge in my room?

No, microwaves are not permitted in students' rooms. You may keep a small refrigerator (under 5 cubic feet) in your room. There is an additional charge to defray energy expenses.



Do I have to be on the campus meal plan?

是的, all on-campus students must be on a meal plan. 新生第一学期必须使用不限量的膳食计划,第二学期可以根据自己的意愿切换到15餐计划或10餐计划.

Where do I send things before school starts?



如果你需要寄箱子, please wait to send them until two weeks prior to coming to campus, as we have limited storage space. 校园邮局将于1月8日星期一开放,以便您领取您的邮箱. 请参阅 邮局页面 了解更多信息.

Where do I park when I arrive?

Follow the signs to the residence hall in which you'll be living. There will be parking available at each hall.

Are first-year students allowed to have vehicles on campus?

Unfortunately because of the limitations to the Westmont campus, 一年级学生在校园内不允许携带车辆(包括摩托车或滑板车)。.

Are transfer students allowed to have vehicles on campus?

可能! 一旦您的学生门户网站激活,请立即提交您的许可请求并发送电子邮件给住房 & Parking so they are aware. 如果你已经完成了4个学期的大学(高中毕业后),并且停车许可证页面显示你“不符合资格”。, please contact 住房 to review eligibility.

How can I get around Santa Barbara without a vehicle?

威斯蒙特酒店提供 航天飞机 that stops throughout Santa Barbara on a regular schedule. 此外,韦斯特蒙特有一个 dial-a-ride 从圣巴巴拉机场到卡平特里亚的955航班.


RA stands for Resident Assistant. 助教是和你住在同一个宿舍的在校生, 他们会在整个住宿学习过程中帮助你. 您的RA将计划活动,促进ag娱乐官网,并帮助您解决任何问题.


RD stands for Resident Director. RDs are professional staff members in the Division of 学生生活, 他们住在学生宿舍,负责学生在宿舍环境中的发展. 他们还为学生宿舍的规划提供领导,并为学生在一年中可能遇到的个人问题提供资源.

How do I get a Westmont email 账户?

对于被录取的学生,应该已经创建了电子邮件帐户并设置了密码. If you have not done so already, you can go here to find out your email address and create a password.

What network access is available from the residence halls?

Westmont提供高速网络连接,允许用户在房间内24小时使用网络和互联网. Wireless internet can be accessed anywhere on the Westmont campus.


Westmont is compatible with both PC and Mac computers. This decision is a personal preference. BUT the library has several public computers (both mac and PC), so you may not need a personal computer at all.



What happens if I can't make it to all chapels?

Each student is allowed 12 absences from 教堂 per semester. To read more information on 教堂, go to the 校园牧师页面.


There are lots of great churches in the Santa Barbara area. 学生们通常会与教授或朋友交谈,以获得当地教会的推荐. 


Some churches have 航天飞机s that pick up students. You can contact the Campus Pastor's office to learn more!


我们与Slingshot合作,为我们的学生提供礼宾式的教科书体验! 如果您希望所有所需的教科书自动发送到您的邮箱, 你什么都不做! 只要去参加入学指导,你的书就会在邮件中心等着你. 你也可以选择从Slingshot或任何你选择的地方购买你的教科书. To do that, follow the textbook prompts on the bookstore 网站 and select “opt out” under your Slingshot 账户. 然后你可以导航到“买书”标签,从那里购买你想要的书.


点击这里 查看我们建议您携带的物品的详细包装清单.